The NGO Forum on Cambodia


Partnerships for Sustainable Growth

Socio-Economic Equity Development Programme

Natural Resource Governance Programme

Research M&E and Communication

Governance and Management (GM)

Secretariat and Networking


Workshop on the Research Study “Impact of Climate Change to Tonle Sap Tributary Functions, Biodiversity, and Livelihood of People in the Tonle Sap Lake”

The NGO Forum on Cambodia (NGOF) facilitated to implement a project financing by Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung for Southeast Asia, Hanoi Office, to conduct a research on the “Impacts of Climate Change to Tonle Sap Tributary Function, Biodiversity, and Livelihood of People in the Tonle Sap Lake”. The study was conducted by KFP Trading Co. LTD during July – September 2022. The objectives of the workshop were: ...
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Consultative Workshop On Environmental, Social, and Governance Compliance of Banking and Financial Sectors in Cambodia

The NGO Forum on Cambodia (NGOF) as a member of Fair Finance Cambodia coalition (FFC) had worked with its members to organize a consultative workshop to share and discuss about Environmental, Social, and Governance compliance (ESG) in banking and financial sectors in Cambodia. The workshop was held during half-day on the 23rd September 2022 in Sunway Hotel, Phnom Penh ...
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2nd Training for Community on Advocacy

In collaboration with the Community Legal Education Center (CLEC), the NGO Forum on Cambodia (NGOF) successfully organized the 2nd Training for Community on Advocacy which held from 21-22 September 2022 at Regency Angkor Hotel, Siem Reap province. There were 27 participants (5 women) as community representatives of land dispute, indigenous people and community protected area from various 23 communities, located in 12 provinces. As a result, they were better understanding the issues, root causes of land and resource disputes, information and collection methodology, and report writing for using as evident-based dialogue. Moreover, communities committed to disseminate their knowledges to their ...
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Civil Society Capacity Building Workshop on “Collaboration for transparent budgets and accountability”

Phnom Penh, 19 – 21 September – Budget Working Group (BWG) under the coordination of the NGO Forum on Cambodia in cooperation with International Budget Partnership (IBP) have been organizing a Civil Society Capacity Building Workshop on “Collaboration for transparent budgets and accountability”, which seeks to develop the capacities of civil society to incorporate budget analysis into their work and generate advocacy opportunities around relevant issues in their context. By the end of the program, we hope that civil society will:
• have the knowledge and skills to think strategically about budgets and relate them to public policy issues relevant to ...
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Regional Workshop on CSOs’ Forum on Climate Change Linked to People Migration

On 15 September 2022, Siem Reap Province, The NGO Forum on Cambodia (NGOF) organized the Regional Workshop CSO’s Forum on Climate Change Linked to People Migration with the supported by the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung-Hanoi Office. Welcome Remark and Key note Address by Ms. Nhean Phoungmaly, Executive Director of Rachna Saterei, She welcomed all the participants from variety of institutions including academic, civil society, and development partners. She acknowledged the efforts of all stakeholders on coping Climate Change (CC) and migration in Cambodia, in terms of adaptation and migration liked to CC. There are 322 CSOs and 06 CSOs have been ...
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Coordinating Committee Member