The NGO Forum on Cambodia


Partnerships for Sustainable Growth

Socio-Economic Equity Development Programme

Natural Resource Governance Programme

Research M&E and Communication

Governance and Management (GM)

Secretariat and Networking


Annual Program Reflection in 2022

The staff of the NGO Forum on Cambodia organized the Annual Program Reflection in 2022 from 19-23-December 2022 at Phnom Penh, Cambodia and South of Vietnam. The objectives of this meeting are:
1. To finalize outcome harvesting 2022
2. To develop the AOP & AOB for 2023
3. To Finalize Coordination Plan for 2023
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The 18th Donors and Partners Meeting

On 19th December 2022, the NGO Forum on Cambodia (NGOF) organized the 18th Donors and Partners Meeting at NGOF’s office. This meeting was chair by Ms. They Bone, member of the NGOF Management Committee/Governing Board and Country Director of Finn Church Aid.
The objective of this meeting:
1. Presented key outcomes and impact achieved from the action plan 2022 and challenges and lesson learnt
2. Presented on budget expenditure for 2022 and budget plan for 2023 and challenges in financial management.
3. Discussed on lesson learnt and key challenges of the NGOF in the year and contributes or feedback of partner to address those ...
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Sharing and Dialogue on Research Findings on Environmental, Social and Governance Practices of Gold Mining Industry In Cambodia

The NGO Forum on Cambodia (NGOF), as a member of Fair Finance Coalition, had worked with its members to organize a sharing dialogue and workshop to share and discuss about Environmental, Social, and Governance Practices of Gold Mining Industry in Cambodia. The workshop was held during half-day on the 2nd December 2022 in Sunway Hotel, Phnom Penh ...
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Sharing and Dialogue on Findings In Research on Environmental, Social, and Governance Compliance of Banking and Financial Sector in Cambodia

The NGO Forum on Cambodia (NGOF), as a member of FFC, worked with its members to organize a sharing and dialogue workshop to share and discuss on the follow up study findings on ESG compliance in banking and financial sectors in Cambodia, which was held on the 1st December 2022 from 08:00 to 12:00 at Sunway Hotel, Phnom Penh ...
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The Annual Network Reflection 2022 Meeting

The Annual Network Reflection 2022 Meeting (ANR) was held on the 21st November 2022. The meeting was held for half-day from 13:30 to 17:00 with a tough schedule as shown in the Agenda. The meeting was held back-to-back with the Annual General Meeting, which was proceeded in the morning of the day. The meeting was held in DK Meeting Centre, Phnom Penh, with 38 participants (11 females) actively participating. Some other important participants participated from long-distance, by Zoom. Ms. Cheav Sivkheng, NGOF, was the meeting master ceremony. At the beginning of the day, she invited delegates to chair the event ...
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Coordinating Committee Member