The NGO Forum on Cambodia


Partnerships for Sustainable Growth

Socio-Economic Equity Development Programme

Natural Resource Governance Programme

Research M&E and Communication

Governance and Management (GM)

Secretariat and Networking


Public Forum on Wetlands, Water Resources, and Climate Change in Mekong River Basin

The NGO Forum on Cambodia, in collaboration with CEPA, MVI and NTFP-EP, with fund supported from Oxfam and SRJS, organized Public Forum on Wetlands, Water Resources, and Climate Change in Mekong River Basin on 07 July 2020 at Reaksmey Pich Hotel, Stung Treng Province. There were 52 participants (12 women) from representatives of the National Mekong Committee of Cambodia, Tonle Sap Authority, Freshwater Fisheries Research and Development Institute of Fisheries Administration, Tonle Sap Lake Fishing Community. Stung Treng Fishing Community Network, Deputy Governor of Stung Treng Provincial Board of Governors and national / international NGOs, as well as Professor of ...
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Validation and Consultation Workshop on Draft Report on Analysis of Policy Aspects on Non-Communicable Disease in Cambodia

Phnom Penh, 01 July 2020 The NGO Forum on Cambodia, in collaboration with Oxfam, organized a workshop to verify data and consult on a draft report on the analysis of non-communicable disease policy aspects in Cambodia at Hotel Cambodiana, Phnom Penh. There were 72 participants (27 women) from representatives of relevant ministries, the private sector, development partners, national and international civil society organizations, higher education institutions and journalists. The consultation workshop was organized for two main purposes which are:
• To consult, discuss and share information to relevant stakeholders include line ministries development partners, private sectors, academia, communities about Non-Communicable Disease ...
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Mid-Year Reflection 2020

On 23-27 June 2020, the NGOF has organized its mid-year program reflection with 25 staffs including 5 females aiming to : 1)- To increase awareness on policy implementation, 2)-To strengthen staff capacity on outcome harvesting and preparation for finalizing six months report, 3)-To review key priorities and revise operational plan and budget, and 4)-To maintain good working environment and team building. As results, five main outputs have been produced from the mid-year program reflection. Those include: 1)- Staff would aware on policy implementation and be able to comply to the policy, 2)-Staff have capacity to produce quality report, 3)-Finalized six-month ...
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The success of Chambok Eco-tourism community depends on the community

Mr. Touch Morn, Community leader of Chambok Eco-tourism, described that the success and significant achievements of the Chambok community today are the results of the efforts of the community members. Mr. Morn said on 23 June 2020, he expressed the main successes of the community include the conservation of forests, patrol, and protect wildlife and natural resource in the area. Communities can get income from the tourists from the visiting, bird watching, swimming in the community six waterfalls, bats, camping and food can also be arranged for tourists. He remembers all the support of Mlup Baitong, civil society organizations, donors, ...
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World Environment Day 05 June in Pursat Province

In the morning, June 04, 2020, the NGO Forum on Cambodia (NGOF) cooperated with Environment and Society Organization, community forestry networks in the Promoy protected areas and local authorities in Veal Veng district, Pursat Province. The National and World Environment Day 05 June organized at Pramoy Pagoda, under the theme Biodiversity Conservation, Land Governance and Natural resource management for all. The event was attended by 89 participants who are from monk, local authorities, community forestry network in Pamoy, rangers in the Protected Area, and Professors from the Royal University of Agriculture, and the Royal University of Phnom Penh. Dr. Tek ...
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Coordinating Committee Member