The NGO Forum on Cambodia


Partnerships for Sustainable Growth

Socio-Economic Equity Development Programme

Natural Resource Governance Programme

Research M&E and Communication

Governance and Management (GM)

Secretariat and Networking


Study Visit on Commune Investment Plan (CIP) at Kachoun Commune Governor

On 24 September 2020, The NGO Forum on Cambodia (NGOF) study visit on Commune Investment Plan (CIP) at Kachoun Commune Governor which located at Kachoun Commune, Vern Sai District, Ratanakiri Province. First of all, Mr. OUK Vannara, Deputy Executive Director of NGOF express the objective of this meeting aim for the process of distribution of budget plan, monitoring plan of Commune Sangkat Investment Plan. We also want to learn more on priority needs of commune sangkat on the use of budget and the cooperation with NGOs on process of inputs, discussions, monitoring of donor funds supporting and awareness raising during ...
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NGO Forum Cambodia bats for women empowerment in climate action

Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 22nd September 2020 – Asia Climate Change Consortium member, NGO Forum on Cambodia (NGO Forum) in cooperation with UN Women organized a training workshop on Gender and the NDC in Sunway Hotel with two (2) main objectives are: 1) to understand the connection of gender and climate change, and, 2) to discuss and analyze gender integration into the NDC review. Welcoming the participants, Dr. Tek Vannara, Executive Director of NGO Forum Cambodia said, “[w]omen’s roles are very important to adapt and mitigate climate change as well as sustainable natural resources management”. Inkar Kadyrzhanova, Regional Advisor on Gender ...
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Training on “OPERACY”

The NGO Forum on Cambodia organized training on “OPERACY” which is trained by Mr. Christopher Lee, the author of OPERACY Book and Training, and HEDC International Human Development Specialist. at Human Earth Development Center (HEDC-Cambodia) from 26-28 August 2020 at NGO Forum’s office. The objective of this training is to provide the capacity development to the NGOF’s staff on the soft skill of “ OPERACY” including:
• To equip NGOF’s staff’s capacity on the use the concept of success and development, personal empowerment
• To improve personal performance, productivity, and satisfaction of staff. Team members in the workplace, family, and in the ...
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The NGO Forum on Cambodia Works For Climate Resilient Agriculture

25 August 2020, Pursat Province, Cambodia – The NGO Forum on Cambodia with Sre Khmer in collaboration with the Pursat Provincial Department of Agriculture, other partner organizations hosted a Sub-National Farmers Forum at Pursat Provincial Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. Oxfam in Cambodia supported the Forum which highlighted key thematic areas with focus on multilateral participation in agribusiness to enable farmers in applying appropriate technologies in rice production, accessing wider market information, and, achieving gender equality in agriculture. “It is a platform to provide opportunity for multi-stakeholders from government, private sector such as banks, farmers and CSOs to discuss ...
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Dissemination Workshop on Open Budget Survey (OBS) and Website Launching

The NGO Forum on Cambodia organized a dissemination workshop on Open Budget Survey (OBS) and website launching which was held on 25 August 2020 at Raffle Hotel, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The launching was attended by key stakeholders including Development Partners (DPs), CSOs/NGOs, Youths, academia, and researchers total 54 (26 women). The objectives of the launching were: 1) disseminate the OBS 2019 findings and recommendations for Cambodia 2) share Key findings on a Legal and Policy Framework Review on Public Participation in Public Financial Management in Cambodia and 3) increase the dissemination of Budget information through presses and other media. Welcome ...
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Coordinating Committee Member