April 11, 2016: representative of the NGO Forum on Cambodia participated in the Technical Working Group on Planning and Poverty Reduction (TWG-PPR) at the meeting room of Ministry of Planning. The main agendas of this meeting are 1) The NSDP Mid-Term-Review (MTR) process and 2) The SDGs localization process. From the NGOF side, Mr Tek Vannara,
informed to TWG-PPR member that currently the NGOF are facilitating the NGO sector, NGO network and CSO for discussion on how to contribute to MTR process and how to collect inputs for CSO, especially we have requested for having separate meeting between CSO representatives and Ministry of Planning for discussion on how contribute of CSO in the whole process of NSDP Mid Term Review. Responded to executive director of the NGO FORUM on Cambodia, MoP has agreed to meet with CSO/NGO representatives for discussion on SDG localization and NSDP review.