Phnom Penh, 25-26 May 2016, The NGOs Environment and Climate Change Alliance (NECA), The NGO Forum on Cambodia together with Cambodia Climate Change Network (CCCN) under funding supporting by DanChurhAid/CristainAid (DCA/CA) and Southern Voice on Adaptation; the two days training workshop on “ ICT Information Communication Technology and Case study Development” conducted at NGOF office in order to build the network member’s capacity to use much more effective modern communication medias for better communication and advocacy and ability to write the Case Study Development, and knowledge of IEC material production in context of climate change, as well as to exchange knowledge and experiences of NGO members in Cambodia in the area of community-based Climate Change.
There is 22 CSO members (6 Females) from NECA and CCCN participated in this training workshop. This training workshop aims at providing participants of CCCN and NECA’s network members the knowledge, skills on effective using ICT and ability of writing and capture the Case Study Development.
Specific Objectives:
– To provide the knowledge and using skills on ICT and ability for writing Case Study Development in context of CC.
– To provide the skills of using effective digital camera for better photograph in order to use in Medias and other relevant usages.
– To provide skills of using ICI and Case Study into appropriate media channel for advocacy.
– To share good experiences of using ICT and case study development from the practitioners.
After two days training workshop, we expects that
– The participants from NGO members will be equipped and gain more knowledge and skills on ICT and Case study development on context of climate change.
– The participants have ability to use ICT, and Case Study for effectiveness communication and advocacy.
– The participants have been knowledgeable and skilled with better applying for daily work at their workplace and contribution/sharing to NGOs members.
– JPA principles will be promoted through ICT and Case Study
Notice that ICT plays very important role in daily communication for individual, institutes and organization. With using appropriate media channels on communication for advocacy and sharing information in context of global climate Change and better informed to public and community, CCCN and NECA’s network members have required the knowledge and skills of using the ICT for better advocacy by sharing information to public, policy makers and community for well-informed on global warming, climate change and as well as integrated JPA for applying into practice by modifying communities ‘behavior change to address and response to climate change and adaption for better livelihoods and sustainable development.