Phnom Penh, March 16, 2015: A one-day training workshop to improve partners’ capacity build on sustainable forest management: scale up community based REDD+was organized at NGO Forum, in which 18 participants (three female) attended.
The specific targets for this workshop were:
- Raising awareness of the CSO-REDD+ network/members regarding the concepts of community based forest management and REDD+, in particular community based Measuring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) in REDD+
- Building capacity of CSO-REDD+ network/members on the community based REDD+ for their further engagement in REDD+ and assistance to local communities and lastly
- Initiating a group discussions to get the perspectives of CSOs/NGOs on community based REDD+ activities and their inputs for the development of the National REDD+ strategy
Ms. Yos Thy, one of participants from Kratie Province, said that it was very essential to involve the communities, NGOs/CSOs in contributing to the REDD+ process and this was one of an effective method to show the communities on what and how could they do to be a part that bring achievement to the national REDD+ process from the ground level.
She added, “It is a bit challenging for this session, since there are technical words that it is hard to remember, but I have to admit that I have learned so much from this one day training based on the provided objectives. I do hope, the capacity and knowledge of NGOs/CSOs and communities in this training could contribute to participation and engagement in REDD+ process and implementation. I’ll be sure to spread to the members how important this session is and encourage them to take part in this opportunity as many as possible.”
According to REDD Roadmap, the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) sets the development of a draft REDD+ National Strategy and approaches by the end of 2014. In 2015, the draft will become publicly available for stakeholder inputs and comments. Given this fact, it will give the unprecedented opportunity for NGOs/CSOs and local community to provide comments and concerns related to REDD+ activities into the National REDD+ Strategy development.
“We truly believe that to have an effective human resource is very important to contribute the achievement to the REDD+ process and implementation. Hence, we undertake this training workshop for CSO-REDD+ network members because we have the confident that they can assist local communities and play their important role in monitoring carbon and biodiversity as well as livelihood enhancement in REDD+ projects”, said Teng Rithiny, REDD+ Policy Project Coordinator of The NGO Forum on Cambodia.
The NGOF will conduct the following up process on participant implementation within 6 months after this workshop to evaluate and understand how much they could use their knowledge to apply for the forest management work in their areas.