Phnom Penh, August 12 – 13, 2015: Under the facilitation of NGOs Environment and Climate Change Alliance (NECA) of NGO Forum on Cambodia (NGOF), NGOs partners working in Cambodia and other countries around South East Asia managed to organize a two-day Regional Hub Workshop on Adaptation Fund and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) at Sunway Hotel, Phnom Penh. This event was attended by 69 representatives (15 females) from CSOs/NGOs from Cambodia; Thailand; Vietnam; Lao PDR; Philippine and Myanmar; UNDP; UNEP; Asian Development Bank (ADB); Plan International Cambodia; Forum Syd; DCA/CA and communities.
This workshop was conducted in order to build the knowledge of key members, partners and stakeholders about the relevant topics adaptation fund and CCA and to open up a space for civil societies to explore more on relevant discussions in order to enhance their engagement with the Government. The main objectives of the workshop were to launch the regional hub platform in South East Asia/Adaptation Fund NGO Network and influence the CCA policies and Strategies through increasing the knowledge on the CCA, and Adaptation Fund (AF), that help to open up a discussion space for civil societies to explore for further engagement opportunities with the Government and Development Partners (DPs), as well as to identify the feasible strategies to improve CCA implementation.
Dr. Tek Vannara, NGOF’s Executive Director said, “climate change is the most difficult challenge we face today. Since March this year, Cambodia has experienced six violent storms that destroyed over 1,150 homes and claimed 4 human lives. We are receiving reports that water reservoirs are drying up in the Northeast and in recent years, numerous floods and droughts have plagued the country,” he said. “Hence, while we are trying to protect the environment, the best method of CCA is a very significant task that we couldn’t skip. Adaptation refers to adjustments in ecological, social, or economic systems in response to actual or expected climatic stimuli and their effects or impacts.”
Through the productive dialogues, of the Regional Hub Platform in South East Asia on adaptation fund was put for officially launching in the occasion and the best practice and lesson learnt related to CCA and AF had introduced to participants
Moreover, after the discussion among communities, NGOs/CSOs and Development Partners, we have received several feasible strategies for improving CCA and AF implementation such as:
- Technical and financial supports with the specific timeframe need was addressed will be kept for further discussion.
- The Climate Change and Environment issues are needed to advocate for incorporating in ASEAN platform, especially,
- The document about science and evidence informed planning and policy choices – synergy between CCA and DRR were developed
- Raising additional awareness at a local level on climate change and disaster risks and solutions – with the documents in Khmer
- Establishing Climate Information Center (CIC) in each community to monitor, track, and record the daily weather
- Improving communications, collaboration and coordination at all levels (vertical and horizontal) including research and academic institutions
- Mainstreaming CCA/DRR in the development plans at different levels in the particular local level towards strengthening resilience of communities and ecosystems
- Providing special support for poor and vulnerable households (validating ID poor households)
- Changing of the mindset of communal councils in investments from physical infrastructure to the other priority needs of farmers/communities
- Publishing and disseminating best practice guidelines of climate change manual
- Enhancing community involvement in the local plans
- Dealing with urgent needs and local priorities beyond the physical infrastructure
- Considering medium and long-term planning with clear roles and responsibilities of different stakeholders
- Increasing investment in improving capacities, water resources, extension services, early warning/forecast and market access
The Regional hub on Adaptation Fund visioning was:
- To enhance participation in the National Adaptation Planning and Implementation
- To the coalition for Direct Access Modality, by encouraging National Government to accredit National Implementation Entities
- To build a Community of Stakeholders and Knowledge Sharing and Good Practices among Stakeholders
- To promote an Inclusive participation of the Most Vulnerable Communities in Adaptation Climate Finance and
- To advocate for a strong participation of CSO in the Monitoring and Evaluation of Adaptation Projects/program. However, it this hub should address the technical and financial support to its partners and/or members.
The regional hub workshop happened after a three-day field visits from August 09 to 11, participated by representatives from German Watch, UNEP, NGOF in two provinces, including Preah Vihear, and Siem Reap, to understand adaptation fund projects in actual.
The workshop was supported by an Adaptation Fund NGO Network-German Watch, Adaptation Fund Project Team of Ministry of Environment, Live and Learn, Southern Voice on Adaptation, Dan Church Aid/Christian Aid, and Charitable Foundation.