Siem Reap, June 18 – 20, 2015: A three-day Climate Change Regional Workshop, theme “The Intended Nationally Determined Contributions, National Adaptation Plans Process including the Joint Principles for Adaptation, and Loss and Damage”, was conducted and participated by approximately 40 representatives from NGOs around the South East Asia Region. Those countries were Cambodia (members of NGOs Environment and Climate Change Alliance of NGO Forum on Cambodia (NECA/NGOF), Cambodia Climate Change Network (CCCN) and DanChurchAid/ChristianAid (DCA/CA), United Nations Development Programme-Cambodia (UNDP Cambodia), Christian Aid-Philippines, Climate Change Working Group (CCWG-Vietnam), Climate Watch Thailand, Climate Action Network (CAN-International- Malaysia), Sri Lanka and local partners based in Siem Reap.
This joint organized workshop was held with the objectives to raise awareness and build capacity of key NGO members/partners in the region on Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs), Loss and Damage (L&D), National Adaptation Plans (NAP) and Join Principle for Adaptation (JPAs), to open up a space for communications and dialog on relevant issues with the Government, and to build on knowledge and to link up Joint Principles for Adaptation and INDCs, L&D, NAP and JPAs, at national and regional level.
Sey Peou, Climate Change Policy Monitoring Project Coordinator of NGO Forum on Cambodia (NGOF) and a representative in this event, appreciated this regional gathering and confident that it was the opportunity to discuss, sharing and learning the successful stories, as well as planning for further effective climate change adaptation plans.
“In order to achieve our plan, I believe our commitments to adaptation and mitigation are needed to link proportionally with the financial support and technology transfer from developed countries” he said. “Also, awareness of civil society and engagement with the government on the process of development of relevant frameworks, mechanisms and initiatives is required to pave away to open an opportunity to largely discuss at national and regional level.”
The workshop began with science update on climate change and was followed by the introduction of INDCs and Loss and Damage. The experiences on INDCs process from Cambodia and the region like Vietnam, Thailand, the Philippines and Malaysia during the first two days. And on the last day, the team undertook the field visit to a local NGO in Pouk district on home garden and water saving techniques in agriculture.
After workshop, a joint CSOs statement on INDCs process will be developed and sent to the Ministry of Environment who will submit the INDCs document to the UNFCCC by September 2015. Statement on the expectations and key messages for COP21 will also developed based on the result of the discussion at the workshop and perspectives and recommendations from climate change experts and activist in Cambodia.