The First Cambodian National Forum for People and Forests under the theme of Pathways to Sustainable Forest Management and Livelihoods Innovations was held in February 25-26, 2014, at Phnom Penh Hotel. This is the first platform continuing from the third Regional for People and Forests 2013, that planned to organize in six countries: Cambodia, Lao PDR, Indonesia, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam. The National Forum is jointly co-organized by NGO Forum on Cambodia, RECOFTC, The Learning Institute, NTFP-EP, Ministry of Environment, and Forestry Administration & Fishery Administration. The forum gather more than 150 participants/representatives from Government, CF communities (Community Forestry, Community Fisheries, and Community Protected Areas), local authorities, NGOs, donors, private sector and academia to take stock of community forestry achievements, lessons learned, best practices, issues and challenges as bases for drawing up way-forward CF action plans and innovations in Cambodia. It will also provide an opportunity for RECOFTC (as well as other organizations and stakeholders) to express its continuing support and commitments to the CF action plans and innovations.