Phnom Penh, December 7 – 8, 2015: To be ready for 2016, the Environment Program (EP) gathered its network/members from different cities and provinces to join the two-day Annual Reflection meeting at Tonle Bassac II Restaurant. Fifty partakers (10 women), from NGO Environment and Climate Change Alliance (NECA), River Coalition in Cambodia (RCC), Network for Development Food security and safety in Cambodia (NDF-C) and CSO-REDD+, were engaged in this occasion.
This main objectives of this meeting were:
- To improve knowledge and capability of network/members regarding the current situations on environmental issues in the context of climate change (CC), natural resource management (NRM), agriculture and development in Cambodia
- To reflect on network/members implementation activities in 2015 and to seek for the improvement for the coming year
- To discuss for next year’s affective strategies and action plans for the advocacy work; and
- To build networking among network/members, development partners, CSOs and relevant government agencies.
Various NGO and government representatives were invited to share the presentations interconnected to the climate change, hydropower-dam development project, agriculture, illegal logging, community forestry, ASEAN and SWOT of the project actions for the past year along with NGO and government plans for the upcoming period.
“It’s is necessary to conduct this meeting to provide updates on every issue we are working on. These apprises would help us to think back on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that we used to experience. Meanwhile, these presentation crosswise with enquiries and answers from the participants are enable us to be critical and producible the better strategies and plans for 2016,” Ms. Im Phally, Environment Project Manager of the NGOF shared.
The EP managed to develop the specific and measurable action plans with the combination of ideas from the NGOF and its participants. These plans were later on combine the whole action plan 2016 of the NGOF and submit to the stakeholders.