The NGO Forum on Cambodia in cooperation with Cambodia REDD+ Taskforce Secretariat (RTS), Fauna and Flora International (FFI), European Union (EU), Non-Timber Forest Products-Exchange Programme (NTFP-EP), Action For Development (AFD) organized a basic training on “Climate Change, Forest Governance and REDD+” for CSOs REDD+ Network’s Members. The basic training on climate change, forest governance and REDD+ was conducted from April 07 to 09 2014 at the Cambodia Japan Cooperation Center. The training was attended by 30 participants, 09 of which were women.
The training was completed with successful and fruitful results. The members discussed, learned and increased their understanding on climate change, concept of REDD+ and some of important concepts in REDD+ initiative and implementation. The members have learned in various topics such as safeguards, benefit sharing, drivers of deforestation and degradation, measuring, reporting and verification (MRV), and gender in REDD+. It is expected that the knowledge and skill from this training will help the members of CSO-REDD+ in promoting the participation and engagement in policy consultations and decision making process. Also, the CSO-REDD+ members have capacity to continue assisting local communities and indigenous peoples on REDD+ related issues.