The NGO Forum on Cambodia


Partnerships for Sustainable Growth

Socio-Economic Equity Development Programme

Natural Resource Governance Programme

Research M&E and Communication

Governance and Management (GM)

Secretariat and Networking


Workshop on Research Study of People Migration Link to Climate Change

Due to the increasing Cambodian people migrating to abroad for jobs, especially better jobs, a study commissioned by The NGOF and conducted by a consultant team in two sites: Kampong Svay district, Kampong Thom province; and Chetr Borei district, Kratie province. The study report was drafted in September 2021 and circulated for comments. The written comments were incorporated into the draft report and presented to the online meeting held on the 25th October 2021 for further clarifications and comments. The validation workshop was organized with two objectives which are: 1)-to share draft report of assessment on the research study of ...
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3rd Quarterly Member Meeting 2021

The Third Quarterly Member Meeting (3rd QMM) of the year 2021 was organized using online, Webinar Zoom, on the morning of the 5th August 2021. The objective of the meeting is to share information with member organizations and discuss solutions to the emerging issues that have arisen in the situation of Covid-19 pandemic and the responses of Government and CSOs in providing social support and emergency aids to the affected people/communities and vulnerable groups in the country. There were 59 participants (19 female) from across the country who actively listened to key speakers. The speakers are NGOF, UNDP Cambodia, HEIFER ...
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Discussion on Social and Environmental Safeguard Policies and Systems of InterBank and Financial Sectors to Protect People Living in and around the Development Project Areas

On 23 July 2021, The NGO Forum on Cambodia co-organized with Fair Finance Cambodia to host Discussion on Social and Environmental Safeguard Policies and Systems of Interbank and Financial Sectors to Protect People Living in or around the Development Projects Areas which fund supported by Swedish Citizens' Aid, Diakonia and Oxfam in Cambodia. This meeting hosted via online meeting (Zoom) which participants joined in the discussion including key guest speakers and stakeholders from the government line ministries/institutions including Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), Ministry of Environment (MoE), National Bank of Cambodia (NBC), Securities and Exchange Regulator of Cambodia (SERC), ...
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Workshop on United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas (UNDROP)

In afternoon, June 23, 2021, the NGO Forum on Cambodia organized Virtual workshop on United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas (UNDROP) via the Zoom Webinar. The objectives of the workshop: - Awareness raising on UNDROP for Cambodia context; - Understand the role of stakeholders for contributing to the implementation of UNDROP in Cambodia. Welcome Remark by Dr. Tek Vannara – Executive Director of the NGO Forum on Cambodia Welcome all participants from government offices, development partners, farmers, research institutions, private sector, and academic. This workshop has two objectives – one is ...
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LAUNCHING Workshop on Cambodia’s Citizens Climate Budget Report 2018-2019

On 03 June 2021, the NGO Forum on Cambodia (NGOF) organized Virtual Launching Report on Cambodia’s Citizens Climate Budget which hosted via Zoom meeting. This launching workshop is collaboratively co-chaired by NGOF and UNDP with funding from the Government of Sweden. This workshop aims to share with key relevant stakeholders on state’s 2018-2019 public budget expenditure on climate change and to show participants’ action plan and to provide opportunity for engagement and participation to share and discuss on climate change issues in Cambodia, especially during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Keynote Address by Dr. Seak Sophat – Deputy Dean of ...
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Coordinating Committee Member