In February 2023, The Ministry of Economy and Finance integrated one of the six CSO’s inputs concerning public disclosure of the draft national budget law into the new law on the Public Finance System.
The Budget Working Group (BWG) of the NGOF has been working for years to demand a public disclosure of the draft national budget law for public consultation. As a result, the MEF accepted the inputs and integrated the provision of public disclosure of national budget information into the new law on the Public Finance System. Article 51 of the law says that “…The annual financial bill shall be published within one week after it is submitted to the National Assembly and within two weeks after its approval…”
The significant outcome resulted from a series of activities conducted by NGOF include the following:
· In July 2022, the BWG submitted CSO’s position paper on building macroeconomic policy framework, and public financial policy for the preparation of the draft National Budget Law 2023. A few inputs requested the Royal Government of Cambodia to publicly disclose the draft national budget law for public consultation and open more dialogue space between CSOs and respective government agencies.
· Since 2016, NGOF/BWG actively participated in the TWG on the PFM Reform Program.
· NGOF/BWG actively participated in the annual public forum on “Macroeconomic Management and Budget Law” organized by MEF; and participated in the annual public workshop on “Building Macroeconomic Policy Framework and Public Financial Policy for drafting law on National Budget” co-organized by NA & MEF.
· BWG produced a citizen budget to simplify the national budget document for public sensitization.