The NGO Forum on Cambodia (NGOF) organize mid-year reflection in 2022, it is held from 11 till 15 July 2022. The objective of this meeting are: • To review and finalize the outcome harvesting of the six-month report (Jan-June 2022) • To reflect on the NGOF’s working approach and revise operational plan and budget for July-Dec.2022. • To refresh on NGOF’s policy, procurement procedures, and donors’ requirements • To maintain good working environment and team building through field exposure visit.
On 14 July 2022, Staff of the NGO Forum on Cambodia (NGOF) was departure from to NGOF’s office to the community Por Kangrey Snadai Kaksekar Agriculture Cooperative. The community Por Kangrey Snadai Kaksekar Agriculture Cooperative is located at Kampong Leng District, Kampong Chhnag Province. There were 16 (5 women) joint this trip. This meeting was facilitated by Mr. Prak Sokha, Program Manager of Kangrey Organization and representative of commune chief. The objective of this meeting aims to learn more about the communities’ achievement, challenges and suggestion.
On 15 July 2022, staff of the NGO Forum on Cambodia organized field visit to Community Forest Tikchub Knar Po which located at Khnar Po Commune, Sort Ni Kum District, Siem Reap Province. This visit aim to learn more on the forest management, challenge and suggestion from community.
Mr. Dim Dun, Community Chief of Tikchub Knar Po, said that the community was established in 1998 with funded FAO with supported authority and community committee, there were 8 villages and two communities. In 2020 this community developed eco-tourism with supported by Provincial Tourist Department and Forest Administration, and provincial governor.
The Challenge in this community is the border issues which points GPS along the Trail which disputed the cut land of 150m from trail. There is not clear about the points GPS between land of community and villager.
Mr. Kong Monus, representative of tourist department, he said that this area has good opportunity for eco-tourism especial the good landscape of bamboo, lots of wild pig, giant Spider…etc. we create this eco-tourism for works and incomes of community who living this area.
Mr. Vong Kosal requested the community to submit a letter to the provincial governor to convene a meeting of all relevant departments to resolve this issue, but before this the community committee should organize a meet with the community and the commune chief with a joint report acknowledging.
Dr. Tek Vannara encouraged the community to propose a project to FAO to build road in the tourist area to prevent further encroachment. At the same time, prepare to compile information on community plots, clearly border points of GIS in community maps to have proper document in community.
In afternoon around 3PM, we travel to Phnom Penh and we are safety arrived NGOF’s Office around 9 PM.