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The NGOF is a membership organization that builds NGO cooperation and capacity, supporting NGO networks and other civil society organizations to engage in policy dialogue, debate and advocacy.

Social Cooperate Responsibility (CSR): Experiences of Private Companies and Government’s Implementation in China

The NGO Forum on Cambodia (NGOF) with American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) to host an Exchange Visit on Social Cooperate Responsibility (CSR) on Land and Water Governance in Beijing, China from 2nd – 8th April 2017. There were 11 delegations including the Ministry of Mining, the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries and its members from representative of LAHRiN and IPFN and RCC steering committee members took part the exchange visit. The regional exchange program’s main purpose is to strengthen capacity of network members and government officers through learning from experiences of private companies and government departments in China on land issues and Cooperative Social Responsibility (CSR), gain knowledge and experience in CSR’s concepts and strengthen cooperation and relationship between private sectors and civil society organizations.

Sharing and Learning on CSR

CSR’s training session is a part of the exchange program, Dr. Wang Xiaoguang, Director of Beijing Rongzhi Corporate Social Responsibility Institute, shared CSR’s concept in policy development and practices. He has worked related field of CSR over 12 years since a year of the CSR’s policy formulation in China. The original CSR’s concept was initiated in 1923 in United State of America. CSR has been formed due to increasing overseas investment in the world. However, the implementation of CSR has been faced with many challenges because most of companies think only benefits. Currently, CSR is became a popular tool to support for converting any challenges to opportunity and contributing for sustainable development. There are many types of CSR implementation as it would be started from charity to company’s responsibility in a society. CSR is contributed to protect community’s rights. For example, Japanese have started their campaigns to promote CSR since 1948 related to sanitation and food…etc.

According to CSR’s standard 26000 (, organizations around the world, and their stakeholders, are becoming increasingly aware of the need for, and benefits of, socially responsible behavior. The objective of social responsibility is to contribute to sustainable development. An organization’s commitment to the welfare of society and the environment has become a central criterion in measuring its overall performance and its ability to continue operating effectively. This, in part, is a reflection of the growing recognition that we need to ensure healthy ecosystems, social equity and good organizational governance. Ultimately, an organization’s activities depend on the health of the world’s ecosystems. These days, organizations are subject to greater scrutiny by their various stakeholders.

Ms. Li Wen, Senior Director of Culture of Kun Lun Energy Co., Ltd, shared about CSR’s policy and practices in China”. Government of China has taken high consideration on CSR’s implementation in 2008. Currently, there are six ministries have worked closely to promote CSR. CSR’s annual meeting has been organized by the government which is required individual company to submit and share their annual report. For example, more than 2,500 company’s reports were submitted annually.

Ms. Bo Lin, Vice Editor of a Media in China, presented on power of Medias related CSR. We have experienced to organize 11 times on CSR which invited company to join. It was a platform to share ideas, concept and their implementation. As a part of promoting CSR, we conducted our campaign to find a golden bee in 2006. A golden bee is an award for a good the company who is the best of CSR’s implementation.

Miss. Ding Shan Shan from a NGO’s representative in China introduced new technology of “Blue Map”. The Blue Map app is designed to be the one-stop shop of environmental data for users who live in China or frequently visit China – and it is now available in English for the first time! First, it provides the public with comprehensive and authoritative information about air and water quality and industrial emissions, and visualizes this data via dynamic maps, to help inform users in making everyday decisions. Second, the app serves as a channel for public participation, facilitating citizens to report pollution and polluters and giving consumers the data they need to implement green consumption. The information collection is increased year to year. For example, we collected small among of numbers in 2004 but the numbers were increased to 71,429 files in 2016.

This application will educate people to understand how they should buy some goods to contribute for CSR. We cooperated with NRDC in US to create a system called “CITI – cooperate information transparency index”. Our mandate is educate people and understand about company who contributed for green environment and bad in environment pollution. Through our works over 10 years, we have recorded that over 800 companies have informed that they are reforming their activities in the whole country.

Cambodia delegation visited Private Companies and Government Departments in China

Dr. Zhao Meng, an Associate Professor at Business School of the Renmin University, introduced CSR’s background and practical implementation in China. CSR has been contributed to increase company’s products and extended more private investments with high responsibility to deal with social challenges. However, we faced with many challenges if we are talking about CSR’s standard. China government tried to enforce law and policy to encourage private sectors to be more responsibility and accountability for their business. The policy is also encouraged citizen’s participation through filling complaint mechanisms and use social media to spread out issues.

On 7th April 2017, a meeting with Beijing Environment company which is leaded role of waste management in Beijing, China. Prof. He Liang, General Manager of Beijing Environment Co., Ltd, introduced that the company has experienced to address the issue of waste management over 68 years. Presently, 35 cities or equal 50% of wastes in China have been managed by the company. There are 25,000 tons of wastes have been collected annually. Through experiences, we have some challenges related to find good solutions of waste management. For example, in United State of America they used an approach of waste management in underground but in Japan they burnt. In China, we use many approaches because half of waste’s water, therefore, 50% use for fertilizers, 40% burnt and 10% underground. Burning waste is part of our grogram to generate renewable energy of gas and electricity. This program is subsidized by state as a policy to promote renewable to 20% by 2020. However, we reached only 5% in 2015.

In addition, Prof. He Liang informed that the company has implemented CSR more than policy’s requirement. For example, we have promoted creditability of waste workers through awareness raising program to increasing people understanding of waste workers’ role to contribute for society. The CSR annual report has been shared publicly. It’s government requirement. If we are not applying well, we would face with losing job or decreasing salary. In addition, media agencies have closely monitored. There are two institutions both government and party evaluate on company CSR.

Social Cooperate Responsibility CSR Experiences of Private Companies and Governments Implementation in China 4

Jan 9, 2025

Kick-off meeting for our Research Study on “Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Focusing on Development Projects in Koh Kong and Preah Sihanouk provinces in Cambodia”​
We are excited to announce the kick-off meeting for our Research Study on “Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Focusing on Development Projects in Koh Kong and Preah Sihanouk provinces in Cambodia”​ on 26 August 2024, Phnom Penh. This study​ is a collaboration between the NGO Forum on Cambodia (NGOF) and ActionAid International Cambodia (AAC), aims to understand the impacts of investment projects on local communities, the environment, and cultural practices. Join us in promoting responsible business conduct and sustainable development in Cambodia. Your participation and support are vital for the success of this initiative!

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Jul 19, 2024

National Consultative Seminar on Indigenous Communal Land
On 19 July 2024, Indigenous Community Support Organizations in collaboration with the NGO Forum on Cambodia and other partner organizations organized a National Consultative Seminar on Indigenous Communal Land (ICLT) in Kampong Cham Province. This national consultation seminar was cooperated by relevant ministries, including the Ministry of Rural Development, the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, and the Ministry of Environment, with the participation of authorities, community representatives, civil society organizations and development partners with a total of 158 participants (37 females). Achievements and research results, challenges and suggestions were brought for discussion during the seminar. Dr. Thol Dina, Project Director of LASEDIII of the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction, mentioned the previous community registration, which resulted in 193 communities being recognized by the Ministry of Rural Development, 153 communities recognized as legal entities by the Ministry of Interior and 43 communities officially recognized by the Ministry of Land Management. Please be informed that Mr. Soeung Saroeun, Executive Director of the NGO Forum on Cambodia (NGOF) urges consideration of planning for resource and community development projects in addition to the current dialogue. In general, the content from the discussion, suggestions and recommendations are compiled and prepared as key notes for submission to the relevant ministry leaders for further discussion and address.

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Jul 16, 2024

Workshop on revisiting CSOs’ Input to new National Strategic Development Plan (NSDP) 2024-2028
First of all, we would like to congratulate the NGO Forum on Cambodia (NGOF) that has been officially appointed by the Royal Government of Cambodia through the Ministry of Planning, as one of the members of Inter-Ministerial Committee and Technical Working Group for preparation of the new National Strategic Development Plan (NSDP) 2024-2028. To play this critical role, on 9 January 2024, the NGOF organized a consultative workshop on Revisiting CSOs’ Inputs to new National Strategic Development Plan (NSDP) 2024-2028 with around 80 participants both in person and virtual who are from the Ministry of Planning, NGOF’s member organizations, networks and development partners. Honorable guests and participants applauded the process and regarded that the NSDP is the most important document to drive development process in Cambodia so that all stakeholders should put all efforts to provide inputs and develop this plan. The full-day workshop aims to raise awareness of the first phase of the Pentagonal Strategic Plan and provide up-to-date information on the NSDP 2024-2028 process to civil society organizations that are members and partners of the NGOF, as well as present format to generate inputs from participants for the NSDP 2024-2028 that will then submit to each relevant ministry, Ministry of Planning and members of the Inter-Ministerial Committee. As a result of this consultation, participants have learned about the pentagonal strategies, process of NSDP preparation, and especially provided a lot of useful inputs which will be formulated into the CSO’s inputs paper to be submitted to the Government. Participants will encourage other CSO representatives and stakeholders in their contacts to provide further inputs online until 12 January 2024. The NGOF will consolidate the first collective inputs and will submit it to the line Ministries and Ministry of Planning in the week of 15 January 2024 onward. The NGO Forum and participants also strongly encourage all other CSOs to continue to provide inputs through online until the first draft of NSDP shared by the Ministry of Planning, tentatively in the second half of March/April 2024. Relate Document:

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