The NGO Forum staffs has participated in Regional training of Trainers on Capacity Assessment for Responsible Agri-Investments and youth in Agricultural Sector from 09-13 December 2019 at Bangkok, Thailand. The training is organized by FAO and AsiaDHRRA. There’re 28 participants from Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Vietnam, Philippines, Thailand, Grow Asia, AsiaDHRRA, and FAO. In general, the objective of this capacity identification workshop is to level-off understanding among participants on responsible agricultural investments and the role of youth. Specifically, it aims to: i) Deepen understanding on CFS-RAI and ASEAN Guidelines on RAI; ii) Increase knowledge on FAO capacity development approach (3 dimensions); iii) Understand how to use the Youth and RAI rapid capacity assessment tool for a national follow-thru activity.