In the morning of 16 October 2023, Mr. Soeung Saroeun, Executive Director and colleagues of the NGO Forum on Cambodia (NGOF) had a meeting with the Kampongthom NGO network, represented by AFD, COFAP, COWS and CODEC at the AFD office to discuss on general situation of the NGOs, and to present and generate inputs from participants on the draft of Strategic Plan (SP) 2024-2030 of the NGOF, called METRI "Multi-Stakeholders Engagement for Transformative, Resilience, and Inclusive Society".
As a result, participant NGO network members understood key development trends at global, reginal and country level, and especially about the key contents of the draft strategic plan. Participants shared about their organizational priorities and needs, as well as needs and challenges of people in their target communities which are useful for reflection in the draft SP. Participants expressed their support and committed to cooperate with the NGOF in this important strategic initiative.