
The NGO Forum on Cambodia (NGOF) with International Budget Partnership (IBP) organized Dissemination Workshop on Open Budget Survey 2017 which held on March 27th, 2018 at Orchidee Restaurant, Phnom Penh. There were 18 participants (6 women) who came from Oxfam, Transparency International Cambodia, Save the Children, HACC, NGOF, IMF, UNICEF, YRDP, ANSA and Swedish Embassy. Mr. Ouk Vannara, Deputy Executive Director of the NGO Forum on Cambodia outlined the overall objective to all participants, this dissemination workshop to create the dialogue platform for budget transparency and accountability and find the better solution to improve the transparency and accountability in Cambodia.

Ms. Sally Torbert, Program Officer for Asia, Open Budget Initiative, and International Budget Partnership, presented the result of the Open Budget Survey (OBS) for Cambodia in 2017: what is OBS, methodology, finding and recommendations. Mr. Joel Friedman from International Budget Partnership (IBP) presented on process budget document, methodology, OBS 2017 global findings and recommendation.
Connecting to dissemination workshop on open budget survey 2017, in the afternoon, March 27, 2018, the NGO Forum on Cambodia (NGOF) organized the 5th Media Dialogue Meeting on Open Budget Survey (OBS) 2017 which was hold at Orchidee Restaurant. There were 20 participants from SEA-TV, PNN TV, Hang Meas TV, VOD, Blue Media, WMC, representatives from IPB and NGOF. This media dialogue aimed for increased knowledge to media journalist related to the budget transparency and accountability, as well as understanding about the role civil society can play to help improve budget transparency in Cambodia.