On May 24-25-26, 2022, the NGO Forum on Cambodia organized Exposure Visit and Training Workshop on Project Proposal Development to NGO Members and CBOs at Chambok Ecotourism Community in Preah Suramarit-Kossamak Kirirom National Park, Kampong Speu Province. This exposure visit is last for three days from May 24-26, 2022. This training funded by The GEF Small Grands Programme of UNDP, MRLG and Diakonia.
Training Workshop on Project Proposal Development to NGO Members and CBOs was organized to build the capacity of member organizations, forest governance networks, and local community organizations. In order to strengthen institutional capacity in writing a project proposal, financial management, and report writing. This training course is facilitated and lectured by Mr. Vong Thavy and Mr. Hun Sovathanak, consultant.
On May 26, 2022, The Exposure Visit and Training Workshop on Project Proposal Development to NGO Members and CBOs were achieved on the schedule proposed and the objectives. As a result, during these three days, the participants gained more knowledge on: • Good practice of project management and financial management of Chambok community • Describe the cycle and function of project management • Identify problems and requirements for project writing • able to write the goals, objectives, activities, indicators, means of measurement, assumptions / risks and results • Fill out a project proposal form requesting funding from the donors On behalf of the organizers, we would like to thank the donor and partners funded this training who are The GEF Small Grands Programme.