
Development Partnership in Action (DPA), The NGO Forum on Cambodia (NGOF) and Oxfam in Cambodia co-organized two days training on Reviewing EIA Report and Monitoring on EI and ELCs Projects to CSO members on 26-28 February 2018 at Himawari Hotel. There are 60 participants comprising three network members: EISEI/DPA, IPFN and LAHRiN. The training objectived for:
1. provided overall concept of EIA process and in-depth knowledge and skill on reviewing EIA reports, and follow-up. 2. provided the checklist for reviewing EIA report, its process and reporting for MoE. 3. provided the checklist for the monitoring, auditing and compliance of an approved EIA projects, 4. provided tools and techniques for advancing knowledge and skills in relation to reviewing EIA report, monitoring, auditing and compliance.