
On April 03, 2018, Mr Tek Vannara, executive director of the NGO FORUM on Cambodia (NGOF) presented on Livelihood Depend on Mekong Resource: Living Style of the Community in RAMSAR area of Stung Treng Province, Cambodia and Regional Development Trend to MRC International Conference/3rd MRC summit which organized in Siem Reap, Cambodia with 400 participants from the Mekong Region and International. Mr Vannara focuses on value to RAMSAR area as a strong social safety net and food security which support the community development and their daily livelihood. Sustainable and effective natural resources management of RAMSAR area is the main factor to ensure and contributing to sustainable development of Stung Treng province of Cambodia and Mekong Region. The current development context of water infrastructure (hydro power, irrigation system…etc) and turn the natural forest to big agroforestry industry in the Mekong region which contribute to the risk of natural resources, biodiversity and environmental system in RAMSAR. In every development program should clearly and deeply study and provide appropriate feasible strategy for mitigate risk and environmental protection and biodiversity measure especially wider public participation before making the decision to start the program as well as in the monitoring and evaluating stage. We believe that the balance of conservation and development plan of Mekong Region with the agreement in advance by considering of the sustainable of biodiversity and equal benefit sharing among relevant countries is the key factor for long term use of Mekong resource and response to the need of the people.<:>