
The 5-day annual reflection aimed to understand more on the successful forestry protection of the monk’ community forest, to strengthen staff capacity on report writing through outcome harvesting, to identify key priority areas of NGOF’s annual operational plan and budget, and to maintain a good working environment of NGOF and enforce policy compliance.
On day 01, December 18, 2017, NGOF staff arrived Oddor Meanchey province and continued to study visit the monk’ community forest called “Sang Roka Voan”. At there, we got presentation on the history of forestry community establishment, challenges, and way forward for forestry protection. We also walked through the forest to see trees, animals, birds, etc. Finally, we got monk blessing for peace full mind to continue our mission in the coming year.
On day 02, we crossed the O’smach border to Martina Resort, Surin, Thailand. The coaching and mentoring on report writing through outcome harvesting was introduced. Each program had a chance to practice its outcomes harvesting and finalizing the annual report based on outcome harvesting principles and comment from the world café approach.
On day 03, the presentation on NGOF‘s six years strategic plan and key priority areas were introduced and discussed. Staff also were presented and discussed on building network and advocacy strategy to focus on CSO facilitation, participatory intervention between sub-national and national level. Furthermore, the template of 2018 operational plan was oriented.
On day 04, the 2018 coordination plan was produced in order to organize event smoothly without overlapping schedule. In addition, each staff was appreciated by motivated and emotional certificate, which written by all staff. In the afternoon, staff had a chance to get sightseeing around Surin provincial town and visited the traditional culture of Kouy Indigenous community. At the end of the day, the sodality dinner was organized with motivation gifts for all staff.
On day 05, December 22, 2017, everyone was reflected about the 4 days activities against the set objectives. Finally, everyone was arrived home with safe and sound.