
On Friday, February 09, 2018, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR ) platform organized meeting among the members . There were 27 participants (17 women) who are the members of CSR platform and representative from NGOs, private sectors/company, agri-business company European Chambers of Commerce in Cambodia . Currently , CSR Platform members comprise 44 members which stated logo on CSR Platform website (http://csrcambodia.org). This meeting aims to introduce the history of CRS platform, to review in CSR program , to present CSR platform on strategic plan 2017-2018 , and discuss more on the road map to moving forward . Take this opportunity in meeting, along with the coordination plan of CSR platform event plan in 2018, Mr. Ouk Vannara , Deputy Executive Director of the NGOF shared calendar of NGOF event related to CSR Platform.

Ms. Natacha briefly presented about the CSR Platform and its Key Strategies for 2017-2018. In the context of sustained and rapid economic growth and business sector development, there is a need for all stakeholders, including Government, businesses, civil society organizations and other association, to uphold Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Responsible Business Conduct (RBC) in Cambodia so Cambodians can enjoy a fair share of the wealth created.
The structure and history of the CSR Platform since 2015 was explained, with a reported 50 members now, which will have to be confirmed by documentation. This 2018 will be a year of institutional building and governance strengthening.

Mrs. Sophia Areias, TI Cambodia presented the rationale, content and timeframe of the roadmap as follows: -Develop a plan to register the platform as an association by the end of 2018 (so the platform can receive outside funding but also to raise funds from members). -Organize an Executive Team, specifically tasked with drafting a registration plan and implementing that plan once it is agreed upon by CSR Platform members. -Develop policies for governance and decision-making -Presentation of the timeline with a hope to register with the Ministry of Interior by October 2018. Registration with the Ministry of Commerce was dismissed due to the non-profit nature of the platform. Any and all profits will be re-injected in the platform for the interest of the Members.<:>