
The NGO-Forum is coordinating network of Land and Housing Rights Network (LAHRIN) in contribution to influence for better policy on land security and housing rights for suitable resettlement opportunities. To achieve its outcome, strengthening capacity of network members is one of the key priorities would be attributed. Therefore, a two-days training workshop on “Land and Legal Framework, Stakeholder Analysis and Strategic Communication for Advocacy on Land and Housing Rights” was held in Siem Reap province on August 13-14, 2018 according to work-plan that have been set.
This training workshop provided better understanding on law and legal framework related to land and housing, the roles and power of stakeholders who involve differently in the advocacy processes and identify effective strategic communications with them for engagement leading to successful resolution for land tenure and housing rights.
There were 35 participants who are member provincial network on Land and Housing Rights where their works frequently challenges because of not clear about the concerned legislates framework in supporting to victims of land dispute or seeking for suitable compensation for property that been confiscated by state for public interest.
Before the session, deputy director of NGO-Forum on Cambodia Mr. Ouk Vannara, given his warming welcome to the participants who are network member from other provinces. Internal rule and training expectation have properly set for well processing of the training session. The trainee capacity assessment has also been done by asked them to answer 20 questions concerning to type of land, legal framework involved and government’s strategy on land management. Beyond the capacity assessment purpose, the designed questionnaire could help them to remind some legal framework and type of land that they are working with.

The training had been process with full participatory approach, in which the participants has been divided into four different groups to work as a team “team-work and team discussion” for the two days training session. Each team has also given role as time keeper, energizer, discipline and recap the session of each day in order to activate the training session and full participation.
The training session been given conclusion with very high appreciation by the participants in term of venue, training materials, food, time-management, active participation and especially training facilitation skills and tools that been used. Four participants are representatives of four different groups indicated that, it was very useful training even they familiar with such a training previously. Finally, they said, they could gain knowledge of land and legal framework, stakeholder analysis and strategic communication with all those stakeholders as expectation.
Mrs. Phoung Maly a provincial network representative based in Siem Reap was invited to give a closing remark and thanks to the participants who spend two days for training session. Her given a very important key note that, “together we can help poor people and seeking for suitable compensation for victim of land dispute”. She added, capacity development to partners and network member is a very important task to contribute to achieve the expected of networking building for strong and common voice to help poor people and marginalized group.

Few participants have written request to NGOF for continue to provide capacity development to network members, however, only one participant among them has specific request to study on “Expropriation Law” where the rest has addressed with no specific subject of the next training session.<:>