
There are 320 (87 females) including monks, governments, NGOs/CSOs, academic institutes, private sectors, farmer representatives from 24 provinces/cities together for 7th national farmer forum discussing on “The Enhancement of Multi-Stakeholder Engagement for Farmer to access water, capital, and market in agribusiness”. This 7th forum conducted on 14-15 December 2017 in purpose of 1) To enhance agri-business environment for multi-stakeholders to working together to update progress of previous Farmer Forums and to formulate partnership framework for national farmer forum. 2) To substantially boost policy implementation so as to support farmers especially women so that they would have greater opportunities to access water, capital and markets. And 3) To strengthen collaboration and partnership between farmers, CSOs, private sector, development partner and government agencies. There are 320 (87 females) including monks, governments, NGOs/CSOs, academic institutes, private sectors, farmer representatives from 24 provinces/cities together for 7th national farmer forum discussing on “The Enhancement of Multi-Stakeholder Engagement for Farmer to access water, capital, and market in agribusiness”. This 7th forum conducted on 14-15 December 2017 in purpose of 1) To enhance agri-business environment for multi-stakeholders to working together to update progress of previous Farmer Forums and to formulate partnership framework for national farmer forum. 2) To substantially boost policy implementation so as to support farmers especially women so that they would have greater opportunities to access water, capital and markets. And 3) To strengthen collaboration and partnership between farmers, CSOs, private sector, development partner and government agencies.
One of 18 Organizing Committee members; Dr. Tek Vannara, Executive Director of The NGO Forum on Cambodia (NGOF) stated that this forum is a platform to bring all relevant stakeholders to discuss and share experience, lesson learnt, and strategies to find good solutions and to cooperate with each other for agricultural sector improvement in Cambodia, particularly for farmers to access market, water, and capital.

Together; Mr. Sam Vitou, Executive Director of CEDAC also welcomed these efforts. He added that is very important to discuss on these three topics. Farmers have faced with drought, flood which could bring negative impact to their agricultural activities. Small irrigation is important to be considered for the drought period. Family or community pond is another important as it can store water during rainy season. Relating to Capital – borrowing from MFI can’t gain benefit due to high interest rate. Cambodia has market, but market coordination is another challenging 55% of agricultural products are imported to our country. Quantity and quality of potential products to be produced and networking are important for farmers too.
Mr. Norng Sivuthan, Country Director of HEKS mentioned that enhancement of Multi-stakeholder engagement is a main topic for all of us to work and find solutions together. He thanked to all farmer representatives who working hard to product agricultural products to ensure food security which link to the economic growth in Cambodia. Agricultural is the challenging sector due to lack of agricultural technology. He thanked all participants for spending their valuable time to join this forum and thanked to organizing committee and DPs to cooperate and organize this event. Finally, he wished the event going smoothly and success and declared the opening of the 7th farmer forum.

In these three days forum to provide opportunities for small landholder farmers, farmer associations to engage in discussion and strengthen partnership with relevant institutions in the agricultural sector and find way forward for farmers to access water, capital and market in agribusinesses. There are identified brainstorming as following: - Accessing to water, capital, and markets is crucial to farmers. However, access to agricultural market information, climate change pressure and to access the capital still be notified. - In term of ASEAN community, Cambodia Agricultural productions need to be improved in terms of quality, competitive price, and quantity. We should produce with timely and high quality. At the same time, the brand identity of the product is important for international recognition such as palm sugar, Kampot pepper, rubber, etc. - In addition, farmers should have a business plan for investment, enhancing good relationships, loyalty, and confidence with partners and buyers. This means that producers/farmers can produce products to meet the buyers’ demands by considering on acceptable quality standards. - The Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) should be priority for setting up a tertiary canal and/or more functioning irrigation system to drain water into rice fields or farmers' land for water use in agricultural sector. - And credit accessibility for agriculture, etc.
At the end of forum; it is very honoable having H.E Sok Puthyvuth, Cambodia Rice Federation (CRF) President for closing remark. H.E Sok Pothyvuth thanked and heartfelt appreciated this CSO efforts and initiative for this 7th National Farmer Forum “Enhancement of multi-stakeholder engagement for farmer to access water, capital, and market”. With his three years with CRF, he would suggest to strengthen farmer association/agricultural cooperative and promote one village one product by fulfil the market’s demands.

The results, all concerns and suggestion form the forum had been documented and submitted to relevant government agencies, CSOs, national and international NGOs, DPs, private sectors, and farmers within mentioning on opportunities and future action plans to promote agriculture products in competitive regional and international markets as well as to reduce poverty of Cambodian farmers.<:>