
On June 15, 2018, The Department of Climate Change as Secretariat of the Technical Working Group on Climate Change organized and coordinated the Third meeting between the Technical Working Group on Climate Change and Development Partners The Climate Change Section was presided over by HE Choup Paris, Deputy Secretary General of National Council for Sustainable Development of Ministry of Environment, with the participation of members of the Technical Working Group on Climate Change, representative of ministries, institutions, development partners and non-governmental organizations. Total participants 38 (10 women).
This 3rd Meeting of the Technical Working Group on Climate Change with Development Partners were focused on four topics 1) National Strategic Development Plan (NSDP) drafting process, climate change mainstreaming and opportunities for development partners to engage, 2) Climate change mainstreaming in the new 5-year strategy for rural development, and opportunities for development partners to engage, 3) Update on the latest status of GCF pipeline and 4) Updates from member of TWG and development partners. NGO Forum on Cambodia (NGOF) requested to the meeting for consideration on issues of land use planning, urban planning and construction, green city into cross cutting issues of climate change to the draft of new National Strategic Development Plan 2019-2023, especially process of giving inputs from civil society and development partners to the draft of new NSDP formulation.