
Land and Housing Rights Network (LAHRiN) of the NGO Forum on Cambodia organized, the Second Quarterly meeting on May 17- 18, 2018, at Kamra II Guesthouse, Kampot Province. There was 29 participants (6 females) from ADHOC, SAMAKY, MVI, DPA, SVC, CWDCC, CLEC, SK / ILC, CNRO, NGOF, CTO, CWDCC, Rachna Satrei, AAC and DCAM. The meeting was aimed for: 1) Capacity Building Members of Land and Housing Rights Network (LAHRiN) on National Housing Policy and policy on Incentives and Establishment of National Program for Housing Development at a Fair Value, 2)Presentation the Assessment Report on Compensation and Housing to collect comments and input to finalize the report. 3) Update on the exposure visit on land management and natural resources 4) Sharing information on land issues and housing rights and developing a strategic plan for advocacy for finding solutions.

Firstly, the topic of training was selected by meeting member on Legal and Stakeholder Analysis and Communication Strategy will be held on August 13th to 14th, 2018 at Siem Reap province. Secondly, we had discussed about the process of the exposure visit. The members of the meeting decided to conduct this case during September 2018 at Thap Lan National Park, Nakhon Ratchasima province, Thailand. We plan to invite participants from different stakeholders particularly the government officials from relevant ministries and subnational level, private cooperatives, NGOs. communities’ representatives and journalist in Cambodia and Thailand to come together to enhancing the spirit of cooperation and exchanging of the learning of the best practice approaches of the co-management of natural resources between different stakeholders with the specific objectives: 1)To enable the Cambodian delegates to have a first-hand experience and collect lesson learns of the successful cases of the sustainable co-management of land and natural resources and mitigation of conflicts between different stakeholders from CSOs community in Nakhon Ratchasima province of Thailand; 2)To provide an enabling environment and space for different stakeholders from Cambodia to formulate a “joint private sector engagement strategic paper” to promote the inclusiveness of business and human rights with the Corporate Social Responsibility and VGGTs are mainstreaming and promote; and 3)To strengthen and enhance the regional learning process and collaboration among the CSOs groups in Cambodia and Thailand.

Finally, in 2017, the Land and Housing Rights Network has selected additional six provincial land conflicts in 2018, the network has also decided to select six additional provinces in which there are 3 cases/ province, namely Preah Vihear, Prey Veng, Pursat, Kampong Speu, Battambang and, Siem Reap, and selected 19 provinces to organize provincial network meetings with civil society organizations and communities.<:>