
The NGO Forum on Cambodia organized the 2nd Indigenous Peoples and Forestry Network (IPFN) Quarterly Meeting from 12-14 June, 2018, at Angkor Holiday Hotel, Siem Reap Province. This meeting aim for 1) To review previous minute and update key achievements, challenges of IPFN for Jan-May 2018, 2).To discuss and follow up how to speed up on Communal Land Titling’s (CLTs) registration and capacity building to indigenous peoples community, 3).To identify ways for improving the next coming of International Indigenous Peoples Day in 2018.
In opening remarks, Mr. Keo Tai was depressed on key Word “Indigenous Peoples and Forest” which these two words are absolutely linkage to enhance both Indigenous People rights and Forestry conservation, and sustainable management. He also sharing some concepts as below: - Global theory of Forest is common pool resource - Define property rights (who is ownership) who can ensure it is deserved and defended. - Tragedy of the common to Open access: lead to everyone access the forest freely. - Global defines IP as a main actor in protecting and defending forest. - Network may more refer to legality framework

Mr. VAING Samrith updated achievement from Jan-May as below: - Join consultation meeting with MLMUPC - CLT assessment report launching by CLEC and NGOF - Organize first IPFN steering committee meeting at Tonle bassac 1 - Organize first IPFN Quarterly meeting - Re-assess on CLT assessment at four provinces - Meeting with HEKS consultant on land tenure security of IP - 1st Quarterly meeting with MRD to discuss IP day, lesson learnt from Siem Reap. IP day is going to organize at Preah Vihea with total cost around 25000$ when MRD has self-fund only 7000$. - Attend meeting with OHCHR on fact finding of CLT from RTK, KT and MDK. - Attend meeting with MLRG related people who living in protected area, and Indigenous People.<:>