Phnom Penh, 19 – 21 September – Budget Working Group (BWG) under the coordination of the NGO Forum on Cambodia in cooperation with International Budget Partnership (IBP) have been organizing a Civil Society Capacity Building Workshop on “Collaboration for transparent budgets and accountability”, which seeks to develop the capacities of civil society to incorporate budget analysis into their work and generate advocacy opportunities around relevant issues in their context. By the end of the program, we hope that civil society will: • have the knowledge and skills to think strategically about budgets and relate them to public policy issues relevant to their work • begin to use available budget information and engagement opportunities to address your own institutional agenda and influence expectations for change • be strengthened in their capacity to actively participate in budget processes and be able to relate their interests to the broader demands for transparent budgets and accountability
There’re totally 30 participants (17 females) from BWG (20 organizations), Parliamentary Centre of Asia (PCAsia) and Senate.