The First Quarterly Member Meeting (1st QMM) fell on the 22nd February 2022. The meeting was held for half-day from 8:30 to 12:00. The NGO Forum (NGOF) is the main organization to facilitate the meeting. The objectives of the meeting are: 1. To Update on the achievements of NGOF in the 1st QMM and action plan in 2022; 2. To elect two new Member Committees (MC) to replace the current two MC, who ended their terms; and 3. To share progress made on gender strategic development and gender balance among the key organizations.
At the beginning of the day, she invited delegates to chair the event. They were: 1. H.E. Ms. Chhay Sivlin, President of the Cambodian Association of Travel Agents (CATA) 2. Mrs. Luy Rasmey, Member of MC and Executive Director of CEPA 3. Dr. Tek Vannara, Executive Director of NGOF 4. Ms. Sengphal Davin, Deputy Director General of the General Department of Gender Equality and Economic Development of Ministry of Women’s Affairs 5. Mr. Fabrizio SENESI, Program Manager Governance, Democracy and Human Rights of the EU Delegation to Cambodia
Welcome Remark by Mrs. Luy Rasmey, Member of MC and Executive Director of CEPA On behalf of the Management Committee (MC) member, she informed the participants that the NGOF holds quarterly meeting every three months to share results, challenges, and recommendations from one quarter to another of the years. She noted on the key presentations of the meeting as shown on the Agenda. Mrs. Rasmey further pointed that with the facilitation of the NGOF, the members had shared the concerns and annual action plans.
Mrs. Raksmey continued her notes that “for two years now the quarterly meetings have been, off and on, held either in person or online because of Covid pandemic.” However, she was proud of efforts made by active participation of the members to continue the meetings. She, finally, thanked all the participants, donors, and representatives from the government ministries for their efforts for the meeting of the day and wished all the participants with success and healthy, and announced that the meeting was opened.
Dr. Tek Vannara, Executive Director of the NGOF He updated on the achievement of NGOF in the 1st quarter and action plan in 2022” which made by the NGOF and its members. There are: • Held workshop on Land and natural resource (NR) managements. • Working with TWG-A&W on the final Strategic Plan. The plan was finalized and submitted to the TWG. • Comments on NSDP progresses that was reviewed and studied by independent consultant. • Provided inputs to Regional meeting on Mekong basin management. • Commented on costal management and plan to improve local livelihoods of the people; • Participated in the ASEAN regional meeting on climate change (CC): to limit greenhouse gas (GHG) emission based on the CC Paris Agreement. • Participated in CSO regional meeting on CC (10 countries of the ASEAN. • Consultation on possible Research studies for the 2022. There are 18 topics suggested by the consultation team members. • The NGOF developed the annual work plan and budget, which was held in Koh Rong Island. • Dissemination on Land and NR challenges: the information is available on the NGOF webpage. • The program called N4F has annual action plan for the 2022. • Gender mainstreaming in CC: working with MOE. • Workshop on Mekong River Flow, 2020-2021. The workshop produced recommendations and submitted to MRC for consideration. • Held meetings and provided comments on agriculture, watershed and water management and NR management (there are 39 sites of watershed areas); • Working with Green CC Fund: for conservations of Prey Land and the Northeastern areas of Cambodia, and Koulen Protected Area management. • Meeting with Bank Association in Cambodia for Green Financing. • CSO 2022 Work Plan establishment. • Small and medium farmer forum meeting was organized for inputs. • Verification of investment report of private mechanism. • Working with the UN long-term carbon green investment and financing. • Family-scale Natural Rubber plantation and development reviews. • Gender mainstreaming within the NGOF and partners.
Mr. Ouk Vanara, Deputy Executive Director, the NGOF He facilitated the election to aim for selection for two Management Committees that replace the two ended-term Committees”. The new MCs are nominated through Voting Session that were elected: Mr. Tourt Chamroen (VBNK) and Mrs. Soum Samoun (UPWD).
The participants obtained lots of recommendations on improvement of national policies for gender balance and development programs.
Mrs. Raksmey, finally, ended her remarks by wishing the entire participants of the meeting with health and successes, and announced the session closed.