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About Us

The NGOF is a membership organization that builds NGO cooperation and capacity, supporting NGO networks and other civil society organizations to engage in policy dialogue, debate and advocacy.

Our Vision is a peaceful, inclusive, prosperous, and sustainable society and planet.

Our Mission is a professional membership-based organization influencing and supporting policies, laws development and practices that champion and foster people harmonization, inclusive prosperity, and a sustainable planet for the benefit of all diverse Cambodians.

Our core values are TEAMS. TEAMS stands for Trust, Empowerment, Accountable, Management for Results, and Sustainability. TEAMS is applied across our places of work. We seek to ensure and promote our values with our members and partners.

Reached and Benefited


People, especially youth, women and IP

Policy and Law


Reached and Influenced

Capacitated & Empowered


CSOs/CBOs to become the resilient organization

Forests & Lands


Protected and Conserved

With Members Mobilized


USD for Development of Cambodia

Socio-Economic Improvement


USD for Development of Cambodia

Reached and Benefited


people, especially youth, women and IP
Provided inputs and influenced


policies and laws
Capacitated & Empowered


CSOs/CBOs to become the resilient organization
Protected and Conserved


forests & lands
With Members Mobilized


for development of Cambodia
Employment Opportunities Provided


jobs across the country

Impacts of our 40 years existence

Our Vision 2030 (METRI 2024 - 2030)

NGOF is implementing it new strategic plan 2024-2030 (Vision 2030) called METRI - Multistakeholder for Transformative, Resilient, and Inclusive Society. METRI focuses on the following strategic priorities, outcomes and programs:

Inclusive and Green Growth
Inclusive and Green Growth
Enhanced people and resources rights, inclusive growth, and sustainable planet through supporting and influencing the climate smart and diverse policies and laws development and practices.
Climate Change Resilience and Nature Resource Governance
Climate Change Resilience and Nature Resource Governance
 Fostered ecosystems for transformative, resilient, and prosperous communities through capacity development, mobilizing support for implementation and monitoring of the enacted pro-poor policies and laws, and community led initiatives.
Vibrant, Proactive, Resilient, and Sustainable Civil Society
Vibrant, Proactive, Resilient, and Sustainable Civil Society
Strengthened a vibrant, resilient, and resourceful organization of the NGO Forum and its members through capacity development, and joint impactful initiatives.
Policies and Legal Influences (PALI)
Solidarity Actions for Community Harmonization and Sustainability (SACHAS)
Resilient, Innovative, and Transformative Institution (RITI)
Management of Accounting, Competencies, Operations and Resources (MACOR)

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