The NGO Forum on Cambodia


Partnerships for Sustainable Growth

Socio-Economic Equity Development Programme

Natural Resource Governance Programme

Research M&E and Communication

Governance and Management (GM)

Secretariat and Networking


Economic Development Policy Project

In the Economic Development Policy Project, NGOs advocate for:
  • government fiscal policies that are more responsive to the needs of poor and vulnerable groups
  • more transparency in the government’s revenue management, especially around extractive industry.
There is a lack of pro-poor fiscal policies Economic events in recent years have hit the poor disproportionately hard, and government fiscal policies need to better address this hardship Starting in late 2007 and early 2008, Cambodia experienced high inflation, especially in food prices. This hit the poor hard as around 70% of their expenditure is on food, and many people cannot afford ...
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Development Policy Project

Through this project NGOs and CSOs advocate for a more pro-poor national five-year plan, the National Strategic Development Plan (NSDP), with clear accountability mechanisms. The project encourages the Royal Government of Cambodia and development partners to provide more space for meaningful consultation with NGOs/CSOs in national planning processes. NGO Forum has played a significant role in facilitating NGOs to discuss priority development issues with government, multilateral development banks, and development partners. NGO Forum is often the first port of call for development partners, consultants and government officials wanting NGO policy inputs. NGO Forum maintains good relations with NGOs and sectoral ...
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Aid Effectiveness Project

The project works with cooperating NGOs/CSOs to promote aid transparency and alignment to priority sectors for the benefit of poor and vulnerable groups in Cambodia. It encourages the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) and development partners (DPs) to create a more open, enabling environment to allow NGOs/CSOs greater participation in aid coordination. It promotes discussion on the progress of development cooperation around transparency, efficiency and effectiveness, TWG mechanisms, JMI formulation, Paris Declaration Indicators, the Accra Agenda for Action, and other development effectiveness initiatives. Challenges to aid effectiveness Cambodia continues to depend on the aid relationships with development partners including UN ...
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Vision The NGO Forum on Cambodia’s vision is that Cambodia had well-informed citizen and civil society organizations, who positively influence equitable and sustainable development for the benefit of the poor and vulnerable people, and which supports transparent and accountable government, and the rule of law.
Mission The NGO Forum on Cambodia’s mission is to coordinate and equip network/members and other civil society organizations in actively engaging in policy dialogues, debates and advocacy for poor and vulnerable people in Cambodia.
Goal NGO Forum’s overall goal is to ensure that citizens and civil society organisations are well-equipped to contribute and influence policy ...
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Demo simple article example

Warning: include(C:\wamp\www\ngoforum/tmp/%%6F^6F9^6F925488%%intro_template_simple_article_example.tpl.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/ngochhit/public_html/components/com_form2content/libraries/smarty/Smarty.class.php on line 1263

Warning: include(C:\wamp\www\ngoforum/tmp/%%6F^6F9^6F925488%%intro_template_simple_article_example.tpl.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/ngochhit/public_html/components/com_form2content/libraries/smarty/Smarty.class.php on line 1263

Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening 'C:\wamp\www\ngoforum/tmp/%%6F^6F9^6F925488%%intro_template_simple_article_example.tpl.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/ngochhit/public_html/components/com_form2content/libraries/smarty/Smarty.class.php on line 1263
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Coordinating Committee Member