Local NGOs Tuesday, der 24. October 2017 No Comments Name Phone Association of Protection Development for Cambodia Environment 012 480 050 Banteay Srei 023 216 922 Building Community Voice 012 641 236 Buddhism for a Progressive Society Cambodia Community Finace Network Cambodian HIV/AIDS Education and Care 023 884 473 Cambodia Women Culture Development Cambodia Farmer Economic Development Cambodian Labour Organisation 023 218 132 Cambodian Sanitation and Recycling Organisation 012 217 747 Cambodian Farmer Economic Development 016 622 669 Cambodian Human Rights and Development Association 023 218 653 Cambodian Women’s Crisis Center 023 997 967 Cambodian Women’s Development Association 023 210 449 Cambodian Rural Economic Development Organization 023 987 793 Cambodian Youth Development 023 987 793 Centre d’Etude et de Developpement Agricole Cambodgien 023 880 916 Christ for Development Kampuchea Cooperation for Development of Cambodia 069 803 774 Cambodian League for the Promotion & Defence of Human Rights 023 216 602 Culture and Environment Preservation Association 023 881 613 Community Legal Education Center 023 211 723 Development and Partnership in Action 023 216 369 Farmer Livelihood Development Organization 023 6363 894 Fisheries Action Coalition Team 023 992 044 Gender and Development for Cambodia 023 215 137 Healthcare Centre for Children 023 212 133 Human Rights Vigilance of Cambodia 023 986 225 Human Resource and Rural Economic Development Organization Indra Devi Association 023 357 161 Khemara 023 230 332 Khmer Community for Agricultural Development Khmer Farmers Association Khmer Women’s Voice Centre 023 212 352 Legal Aid of Cambodia 023 864 201 Meada Khmer Development Organisation Mlup Baitong 023 214 409 National Prosperity Association Organisation for Assistance of Children and Rural Women Partnership for Development in Kampuchea 023 216 224 Project Against Domestic Violence 023 721 654 Prom Vihear Thor Organization Socio-Economic Development Organisation of Cambodia 023 664 8383 Sor Sor Troung 023 987 758 Strey Santepeap Deiombeiy Parethan Urban Poor Women Development 023 214 720 Urban Sector Group 023 721 188 Vicheasthan Bandosbondal Neakropkrong Kangea Aphivath 023 722 115 Violence Against Women and Children of Cambodia 023 219 563 Indigenous Community Support Organization 023 997 657 Youth Council of Cambodia 023 220 861 Khmer Institute for National Development 016 572 612 Action for Development 062 690 0213 Cambodian Disabled People’s Organization 023 221 823 Cooperation for Alleviation of Poverty 062 962 999 Cooperation for Social Services and Development 017 373 986 Humanity Birght Organization 044 6450 111 Hurredo 063 966 676 Institute to Serve Facilitators of Development 023 722 115 Khmer Association for Development of Raising Animal 070 473 154 Khmer Student Representative Association for Children and Elder Fund 089 589 939 Life with Dignity 023 881 100 Mlup Promviheathor Center Organization 035 940 994 My Village 023 635 5167 Occupation of Rural Economic Development and Agriculture 077 720 561 Phnom Srey Association for Development 042 941 670 Por Thom Elderly Association 012 618 274 Rural Aid Organization 092 805 912 Rural Community and Environment Development Organization 054 958 942 Cambodian Center for Independent Media 023 726 842 Women’s Media Centre of Cambodia 023 881 726