Plan International Cambodia

Plan International Cambodia


Mr. Supriyanto, Country Director


#99-100 St Preah Sothearos, Tonle Basac, Chamcarmorn, Phnom Penh

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone: 023 217 214

Fax: 023 210 971

Mobile: 012 333 231

Other information

Other information:
Sector: 1-Growing Up Healthy: Professional health workers, GUH-related Program Management, Supervision 2- Learning: Community awareness: female education, Learning-related Program , Management, Learning feasibility study, Learning institutional development, Professional primary teaching, Primary schoo 3- Habitat: Habitat-related Program Management Supervision and Support, Open well construction /improvemen, IEC on hygiene and water, Domestic latrine construction/upgrading, School latrine construction/upgrading. 4-Livelihood: Girl�s scholarship; primary, Livelihood-related Program Management, Supervision and Support, Livelihood institutional development, Demonstration plots/model farms, Financial institution development, Construction/rehabilitation of vocational training centre. 5- and Support, GUH Institutional Development, Healthy School promotion, Adolescent reproductive health IEC.
Provincial: Siem Reap and Kampong Cham,